Citizens' general knowledge and perception on SAA

September 2016

Anonym 0 6838 Article rating: No rating

This research report provides an analytical overview of findings of public opinion polling conducted by the Prishtina Institute for Political Studies measuring citizens' perceptions and knowledge on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. This research has been conducted as part of the “Promoting the
Stabilisation Association Agreement and launching a public discourse on Kosovo's European Future'' project implemented by PIPS.

The impact of energy efficiency financial mechanisms in boosting local development

June 2016

Anonym 0 6168 Article rating: No rating

This study elaborates the effect of energy efficiency investments in economic development through policy development and establishment ofinvestment incentive mechanisms. It provides a description of the situation in this sector and its potential in local economic development: creation of a local market, better employment opportunities, and improvement of public welfare, reduction of energydependence, cleanerenvironment, and conservation of resources.

How to participate efficiently?


Anonym 0 6213 Article rating: No rating

This guide is a concise overview of ideas, recommendations and experiences of CSOs from South East Europe region dealing with energy efficiency public policies. It is also an overview of methods through which certain results have been achieved. It consists of a number of advices on how to encourage and organize public dialogue, accompanied by specific examples.

Kosovo towards Council of Europe Membership: Compliance of legislation with membership criteria

December 2014

Anonym 0 7113 Article rating: No rating

The purpose of this report will be to assess the level of compliance of Kosovo legislation with rule of law principles and human rights norms and standards enshrined in the Statute of the Council of Europe, as a condition for CoE membership. The report will start by describing briefly the formal procedures and criteria for membership in the CoE as well as assessment of the rule of law principles and human rights norms from the CoE perspective. Then it will assess the law-making process in Kosovo and how much the Kosovo legislation actually complies with the rule of law principles and human rights standards. It will also assess the legal mechanisms established to monitor the implementation and to ensure the effective enforcement of Kosovo legislation.

Kosovo's ability to fulfill the Council of Europe membership criteria: A comparative perspective

June 2014

Anonym 0 6967 Article rating: No rating

This policy report makes two interrelated arguments. First, it underscores the benefits of Kosovo's accession to the CoE, highlighting that membership is in the interest of both Kosovo's citizens but also in the interest of the CoE itself. Second, this policy report provides a comparative analysis of where Kosovo stands vis-à-vis other CoE and non-CoE members in terms of fulfilling the membership criteria. The report purposefully uses quantitative data from widely used and respected academic resources in order to make the claim that Kosovo does fulfill CoE membership criteria and, moreover, that in all of the key indicators for these criteria, Kosovo performs just as well as - and sometimes even better than - many recent CoE member states. 

Political obligations in Kosovo


Anonym 0 6549 Article rating: No rating

This study addresses the essence of state-society relations in Kosovo, that of political obligations. Combining an original analytical framework with rich empirical evidence, the study finds that political obligations are highly connected with the extent to which people's needs are met, their rights recognized and protected, and their agency and capabilities enabled.
