International Politics and Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue: Survey on Citizens' Perception

March 2023

Diona Kusari 0 3403 Article rating: No rating
This publication is the 3rd edition, part of the Foreign Policy Analysis Program, which was established by the Pristina Institute for Political Studies in 2014. The program aims to analyze and support the Euro-Atlantic integration of Kosovo, initiating public debate and producing research on regional, European, and global developments and their effects on Kosovo's international position.

Kosovo’s application for membership at the Council of Europe (CoE): Arduous path ahead

January 2023

Diona Kusari 0 4481 Article rating: No rating
Since the declaration of independence in 2008, Kosovo has managed to become a member of several multilateral organizations, including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, as well as the Development Bank of the Council of Europe in 2013 and the Venice Commission in 2014. By submitting the request for membership to the Council of Europe on May 12, 2022, Kosovo started an important political process, thus opening a new chapter. There seems to be a long and difficult process involved in joining the Council of Europe. This brief policy note, therefore, provides an overview of Kosovo's application to the Council of Europe and briefly elaborates on Kosovo's strategy and multilateral relations with the Council of Europe.


December 2022

Diona Kusari 0 2286 Article rating: No rating
These reports elaborate the general energy consumption behavior of citizens living in the municipality of Suhareka in Kosovo and the municipality of Kurbini in Albania. The target groups are divided into the household and business sectors. In addition, the reports elaborate on the overall national-level policies and institutional frameworks in place that play a role in designing, supporting and implementing aspects of energy and climate efficiency across sectors.

ALBANIA – KOSOVO (2014 – 2020)

The project "The road to efficient local use of natural resources". This project is financed The project is implemented by:
from the European Union Academy of Political Studies
Pristina Institute for Political Studies
Kurbin Municipality
Suharekë municipality

Call for two (2) experts to prepare the Action Plan on Energy Efficiency in Suhareka

October 2022

Diona Kusari 0 2743 Article rating: No rating
The invitation under this tender is dedicated for two local experts to develop the Local Action Plan on Energy Efficiency in Suhareka for the period 2023-2026. The Action Plan shall be built on the criteria of quantification of costs, emissions saved and identification of co-benefits.

The experts that will be involved in carrying out the implementation, strategy, manual, etc will be working jointly to share experience and ensure the CBC effect in both Kurbin and Suhareka.

An Overview of Policies and Efforts on P/CVE in the Western Balkans (III)

June 2022

Diona Kusari 0 3837 Article rating: No rating
Countries around the world have been hit by the phenomenon of violent extremism and foreign fighters, and the Western Balkans was no exception.

This policy analysis aims to shed light on how six Western Balkan countries have dealt with preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE). It is intended to be the third and final in a series on this issue. More specifically, this analysis provides a regional statistical comparison of convictions for terrorism and participation in foreign conflicts, as well as an overview of the challenges faced by the six Western Balkan countries in preventing and combating violent extremism.

Newsletter of our 2022 activities regarding the Resilient Community Program

June 2022

Diona Kusari 0 3447 Article rating: No rating
In 2021, PIPS joined the Resilient Community Consortium alongside Advocacy, Training, Resource Center, Balkan Investigative Reporting Network and Peer Educators Network. As part of this consortium, PIPS’ aim is to raise awareness and increase the understanding of the policymakers and other actors on R&R (Rehabilitation and Reintegration) and P/CVE (Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism). From December 2021 to July 2022 PIPS has organized one seminar, one public discussion and published two policy papers.

For more information read the newsletter here.

Green Entrepreneurship - Changemaker in the Western Balkans

June 2022

Diona Kusari 0 3112 Article rating: No rating
As the six Balkan countries are transforming their policies and becoming less carbon-intensive, promoting a green economy and green businesses is just the first component of transforming their economies.

The green economy framework promotes coherence between economic and environmental policies and further support the SDGs that are meant to be integrated with sustainable development.

Green businesses, also known as sustainable enterprises, aim to strike a balance between profit and resource sustainability.

This Policy Brief aims to explain the challenges of the Western Balkans in promoting a green economy and green businesses as the first step in transforming their economies.

Green groups and their role in the parliament’s green agenda

June 2022

Diona Kusari 0 6803 Article rating: No rating
Once considered radical outsiders, the Greens are nowadays claiming an increasingly important role in mainstream politics, particularly in Europe.
Coupled with the urgency of climate change and the loss of support for traditional viewpoints, the Greens worldwide
have moved from single-issue environmental groups to inclusive political groups capable of developing and monitoring policies for key state institutions.

Thus, more and more people are supporting green policies, but who are the Greens, and what do they represent
in today’s politics? This Policy Brief aims to explain what the purpose of these green groups is and their role in the parliament's green agenda.