Priorities of Kosovo's Foreign Policy

May 2018

Anonym 0 6163 Article rating: No rating

This short paper discusses the priorities of Kosovo's foreign policy for 2018. The content of the paper is largely based on the roundtable organized by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and other institutions involved where the central question was also: what should be Kosovo's foreign policy priorities for 2018?

An ERA of Stagnation

May 2018

Anonym 0 6009 Article rating: No rating

This policy note assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of the institutions during the implementation process by providing specific percentages for each of the pillars specified on the Action Plan for the Implementation of Key Priorities of European Reform Agenda. In order to have a clear depiction of their achievements by the end of 2017, we have carefully monitored the work of each institution. 

Kosovo's membership into OIC: An opportunity or a dangerous road?

Anonym 0 3819 Article rating: No rating

Recently Kosovo's Foreign Minister declared that Kosovo was seeking full membership into Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The paper discusses the eventual consequences for Kosovo in case it opts to send the application for membership at the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC). It follows a triangular approach to conduct the analysis: legal, economic and political.

Communication of the SAA - The role and influence of the media in shaping public opinion

October 2017

Anonym 0 6678 Article rating: No rating

This publication aims to illustrate the role and influence of the media in relation to the Stabilization and Association Agreement based on two aspects: informing and properly shaping public opinion regarding the SAA; reporting and increasing the transparency and efficiency of institutions in monitoring and implementing the SAA. The paper will also briefly touch on the importance of media impartiality and independence when it comes to covering the SAA process and EU integration in general.

Reflection of national energy efficiency policies at the local level


Anonym 0 5975 Article rating: No rating

This study focuses in briefly analyzing energy policies at the EU level in order to understand the current legal basis at the domestic level, and further elaborates the impact of central-level EE policies in local-level ones. The study mainly aims at assessing the current legal framework on EE, identifying its shortcomings and proposing recommendations that could contribute to the completion of the legal and institutional framework at the local level. Furthermore, the study aims to point out the difficulties and challenges faced by local governments, which have proved to serve as an obstacle in creating functional effective municipal structures that will be decisive for improving energy efficiency, respectively for creation of a sustainable energy system at the domestic level.

Citizens' general knowledge and perception on SAA

September 2016

Anonym 0 6665 Article rating: No rating

This research report provides an analytical overview of findings of public opinion polling conducted by the Prishtina Institute for Political Studies measuring citizens' perceptions and knowledge on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. This research has been conducted as part of the “Promoting the
Stabilisation Association Agreement and launching a public discourse on Kosovo's European Future'' project implemented by PIPS.
