Mapping the effects of Covid-19 in international politics

September 2020

Anonym 0 8146 Article rating: No rating

Although the technological and scientific advancements of the recent decades have improved human's ability to respond to diseases such as Covid-19, their consequences are far from muted, thereby the coronavirus has been an important factor behind recent changes in the realm of diplomacy and relations between governments and international organizations. The key questions revolving around such a puzzle pertain to the geopolitical implications that have been produced to the current global order and international actors. This short paper maps several effects that Covid-19 has produced on international politics thus far. This document lists three fields in which Covid-19 can produce substantial impact: the relations between the US and China, the ideas of globalization and armed conflict and political violence.

Kosovo's membership in the World Health Organization (WHO)

September 2020

Anonym 0 9528 Article rating: No rating

Membership in the WHO is part of the current Government Program 2020-2023 and has been mentioned sporadically since the declaration of independence in 2008, nevertheless Kosovo has never applied for accession. Based on the latter, this short paper will discuss the chances of Kosovo's membership in the World Health Organization (WHO). It proceeds by offering a short discussion in respect to Kosovo's multilateral efforts until this point, as one of the key pillars of its foreign policy. 

Partitë politike - Funksioni dhe organizimi në shoqëritë demokratike

Gusht 2020

Anonym 0 9382 Article rating: No rating

Ky libër i paraqet partitë politike si institucione qendrore të demokracisë moderne. Karakteristikat dhe funksionet e partive, elementi bazik i organizimit të tyre, konteksti politik dhe social, si dhe problemet e demokracisë së partisë dhe sfidat e veçanta që partitë ballafaqohen me to janë temat kryesore. Në libër PIPS prezantohet me punimin "Partitë politike në Kosovë". Vecanërisht, kjo pjesë ofron një analizë përshkruese të historikut që ka formësuar partitë politike në Kosovë që nga viti 1945, përshkruan partitë aktuale parlamentare dhe tiparet e tyre kryesore, diskuton aspektet ideologjike të partive politike dhe ndikimet e tyre mbi sistemin politik, duke u fokusuar vecanërisht në bashkëpunimin partiak pas vitit 1999.

Reform of rationalization of agencies and regulators in Kosovo - Second phase

June 2020

Anonym 0 8655 Article rating: No rating

This policy paper covers the implementation of the second phase of the reform of rationalization of executive agencies and regulators in Kosovo in order to contribute to its implementation. On the one hand, it assesses the state of play regarding the agencies of this phase. On the other hand, the paper discusses possible options for their rationalisation. 

Mask Diplomacy and Kosovo's Foreign Assistance

Anonym 0 7887 Article rating: No rating

Combating the pandemic through delivering assistance, has become the cornerstone of diplomatic action. To this end, since the pandemic outbreak, the diplomatic activity of states and multilateral organizations has been largely focused on finding the best alternatives to secure or deliver cross-border assistance. This short document will dwell into some of these effects, more concretely on how foreign assistance has impacted international politics thus far. Apart from a general discussion, the document focuses more extensively in the case of Kosovo.

The impact of the pandemic to Kosovo's diplomacy - UN General Assembly

June 2020

Anonym 0 7155 Article rating: No rating

The effects of the pandemic in the field of foreign policy will be massive. Covid-19 has had a serious impact in the relations and communication between states, given that it has transformed the manner in which daily diplomacy is conducted. This policy notes problematizes an aspect which has already produced consequences, that is the reduction of the physical interacion and meetings between state representatives. The closing of borders and limited movement at the global level, has implied that official visits had to be canceled or postponed, while the diplomatic meetings have passed in the realm of virtual platforms.

Annual review of Kosovo's foreign affairs

February 2020

SuperUser Account 0 6955 Article rating: No rating

Kosovo's diplomatic battle to become an equal member of the international society continues twelve years after declaring independence. Since 2008 Kosovo has scored significant progress in fostering its institutional structure and international recognition by now being recognised by the majority of UN members and being part of several important multilateral mechanisms.

International Politics and Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue:

December 2019

SuperUser Account 0 7120 Article rating: No rating

The purpose of this edition of the survey is to provide data and results on public perceptions of Kosovar citizens for the three following aspects: 1. International politics and international actors, providing data on perceptions of Kosovar citizens on international politics and regional and global actors, including states and international organizations; 2. Kosovo's foreign policy and international position, which provides data on citizens' perceptions on Kosovo's international position and Kosovo's foreign policy institutions; 3. The Kosovo-Serbia dialogue process, more precisely the perceptions of Kosovar citizens about eventual options for a final agreement and their expectations from this process.
