Annual Review of Kosovo's Foreign Affairs

October 2018

Diona Kusari 0 5159 Article rating: No rating

Annual Review of Kosovo's Foreign Affairs was first published in 2018. This report combines a descriptive and analytical approach thus discussing all important parts of foreign policy and the international recognition process during 2018, including bilateral recognitions, multilateral integration, EU integration, dialogue on the normalization of relations with Serbia and the internal functioning of foreign policy institutions.

Policy Paper: Law on Foreign Service and its implementation

October 2018

Diona Kusari 0 5145 Article rating: No rating

This policy paper discusses the structure and content of the Law on Foreign Policy of the Republic of Kosovo and its implementation, and it consists of two chapters. The first chapter focuses on the content and structure of this law, identifying gaps and recommending specific amendments in it, with a view to improving the functioning of the Foreign Service, thus in implementation of this law. The second chapter discusses implementation of this law by analyzing the policy and institutional framework for its implementation, also providing recommendations for overcoming the challenges in implementation of this law and in the functioning of the Foreign Service.

A critical review of the organization and implementation of Kosovo's foreign policy

July 2018

Diona Kusari 0 5450 Article rating: No rating

This short paper provides an analytical and critical review of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo in the context of institutional functioning as well as the implementation of foreign policy.This analysis identifies some general challenges of Kosovo's foreign policy, as well as specific challenges in the implementation of foreign policy and challenges in the functioning of the MFA.

ERA Monitoring Report January-June 2018

June 2018

Diona Kusari 0 4872 Article rating: No rating

The purpose of this European Reform Agenda (ERA) monitoring report is to assess the achievement of the remaining objectives of ERA foreseen to be finalized during 2018, according to decision no. 01/13 of the Government of Kosovo on the key priorities of the European Agenda for 2018. All data collected and analyzed are detailed in the following matrix, which evaluates the work of institutions responsible for meeting the remaining 11 objectives for the first pillar, 12 objectives for the second pillar and 6 objectives for the third pillar of ERA.

Kosovo's obligations in the field of energy efficiency and harmonization with the Stabilization and Association Agreement

May 2018

Diona Kusari 0 5138 Article rating: No rating

This report presents a summary of the analyses and findings on the reform process in the field of energy efficiency and its relation to the European Agenda implementation process. This assessment is based on relevant documents from international agreements, the Berlin Process, obligations derived from the Energy Community Treaty, the process of transposition of EU Directives concerning energy efficiency, the Energy Strategy of the Republic of Kosovo, Kosovo Energy Efficiency Action Plan, the Action Plan for the Implementation of Key Priorities from the European Reform Agenda, and commitments as part of the Stabilization and Association Agreement. 

Kosovo's Multilateral Integration - June 2018

Diona Kusari 0 5101 Article rating: No rating

Since 2008, Kosovo has become a member of several important regional and global multilateral organizations: the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Venice Commission, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB). ) and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). At the same time, Kosovo continues to be left out of some important bodies, perhaps the most important of these, the United Nations. In addition to diplomatic alignment and bilateral recognition, multilateral integration has been an important pillar of Kosovo's state-building in the first ten years of its existence. Multilateral integration is a good opportunity for Kosovo to strengthen international subjectivity, to harmonize legislation with other member states but also as an opportunity to IMPROVE the lives of citizens.

An ERA of Stagnation

May 2018

Diona Kusari 0 4987 Article rating: No rating

This policy note assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of the institutions during the implementation process by providing specific percentages for each of the pillars specified on the Action Plan for the Implementation of Key Priorities of European Reform Agenda. In order to have a clear depiction of their achievements by the end of 2017, we have carefully monitored the work of each institution. 
