Monitoring Report - Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo

November 2019

SuperUser Account 0 8302 Article rating: No rating

The publication covers: a section on the organizational structure and functioning of the EARK is provided, with reference to the legal basis and policy documents; the Agency's 2019 budget; achieving tangible results, especially through active labor market measures. The concluding section provides a summary of the publication and aspects that need to be addressed for further improvement of the EARK.

SUMP – A Joint Commitment: Towards an overarching institutional coordination and policy development in drafting and implementing SUMPs

September 2019

SuperUser Account 0 6506 Article rating: No rating

This paper gives a brief explanation of the benefits a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) could have for cities, as well as explore the possibilities of how the National Level, i.e. Members of the Parliament, could directly or indirectly support and facilitate the implementation of SUMPs in cities.

Monitoring Report - Action Plan for Rationalization of Executive Agencies and Regulators

June 2019

Anonym 0 6938 Article rating: No rating

The Action Plan for Rationalization of Independent Agencies was approved by the Government of Kosovo in 2017. This document is an obligation arising from the European Reform Agenda (ERA), a document derived from Kosovo's Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU. Also the SBS contract, the Financial Sector Support Agreement (SBS) between the Government and the European Commission through which the EC conditions the transfer of financial support tranches with progress throughout the rationalization process during 2018 and 2019 with the achievement of the objectives of this plan.

Rationalization of executive agencies and regulators in Kosovo

June 2019

Anonym 0 6016 Article rating: No rating
The reform for rationalization of executive agencies and regulators started in 2015, as part of the reform dialogue in the field of public administration between Kosovo and the European Union.
The policy framework for implementing the rationalization of executive agencies and regulators foresees its completion by the end of 2021. It is expected to affect over 60 institutions, most of which exercise executive functions.
To contribute to the implementation of this reform, this policy analysis addresses this reform in two dimensions, the context and framework of this reform, and its implementation.
This analysis concludes with the main conclusions and a number of recommendations for the implementation of the reform.

International Politics and Political Parties - The perceptions of Kosovar citizens

March 2019

Anonym 0 6821 Article rating: No rating

The survey, “International Politics and Political Parties: The Perceptions of Kosovar Citizens” was undertaken by the Prishtina Institute for Political Studies (PIPS) for the first time in 2019. The survey is supported by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and will be conducted annually, under the PIPS Program for Foreign Policy Analysis. 

Targeting rural energy poverty through renewable energy in developing countries -  Literature review and recommendations

February 2019

Anonym 0 8749 Article rating: No rating

Having access to energy is associated with better health services, education and more developed industries. Due to the remoteness of rural areas, these communities often do not have access to modern energy sources and are not connected to energy grids. This contributes to poverty, lack of health services, and low education levels. Using literature review and case studies, this paper will look at the connection between energy and development, the challenges of energy access for rural areas, and how and if RET projects can be designed to tackle energy poverty in these areas. 

ERA Monitoring Report 2018

February 2019

Anonym 0 6222 Article rating: No rating

This monitoring report reviews the achievements of the institutions throughout 2018, nonetheless, we have published monitoring reports for the six- and nine-month monitoring period. In order to give a clear picture of the state and process of ERA implementation, this study focuses on elaborating the methodology and results of the monitoring process, analyzing the current state of the achievements and shortcomings of institutions, as well as providing conclusions and recommendations.
