Reform of the inspection system in Kosovo

Reform of the inspection system in Kosovo

15 April 2021

April 2021

The business environment in Kosovo is overseen by over 30 inspectorates, which are established from year to year in a disorganized manner and without unique, coherent and well-coordinated policies.

The SAA requires Kosovo to implement with priority the reforms for approximation with the EU market, within three to five years of its implementation. The reform of the inspections system has been part of the common political priorities for the implementation of the SAA, through the European Reform Agenda (ERA), since November 2016, when the ERA was approved by the Government.

This policy analysis addresses this reform in three aspects. First, the current situation regarding this reform is described. Second, the shortcomings and challenges that its implementation may face are identified. Third, concrete proposals are given.
15 April 2021/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (5522)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Publikimet
Realizimi i planit të punës së qeverisë për periudhën 2020

Realizimi i planit të punës së qeverisë për periudhën 2020

16 March 2021

Mars 2021

Në kuadër të projektit "Rritja e transparencës dhe llogaridhënies për reforma" të zbatuar nga PIPS dhe Lëvizja FOL është publikuar monitorimi i Planit Vjetor të Punës së qeverisë Hoti.
16 March 2021/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (4196)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Publikimet
Stalled normalisation between Kosovo and Serbia: What is the Way Forward?

Stalled normalisation between Kosovo and Serbia: What is the Way Forward?

26 February 2021

January 2021

The latest publication of PIPS addresses the topic of normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. The publication is organized through a special format, which summarizes the main points of three separate discussions with experts on the topics of the Association of Serb Majority Municipalities, Transitional Justice and Dealing with the Past, as well as Foreign Policy and Regional Cooperation.
26 February 2021/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (5314)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Publikimet
Annual Survey International Politics and Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue

Annual Survey International Politics and Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue

28 December 2020

December 2020

'International Politics and Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue: Perceptions of Kosovo Citizens' is published on an annual basis under the Foreign Policy Analysis Program (FPAP), which is one of the main PIPS programs. This is the third edition of the survey, published in collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) office in Prishtina.

The purpose of this edition of the survey is to provide data and results on public perceptions of Kosovar citizens on: International politics and international actors, a section which provides data on perceptions in relation to international politics and regional and global actors, including countries and international organizations & The process of Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, more precisely the perceptions of Kosovar citizens about the Washington Agreement, the association of Serb Majority municipalities and reaching a final agreement for the normalization of relations between the two countries.
28 December 2020/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (5701)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Publikimet
Mapping the effects of Covid-19 in international politics

Mapping the effects of Covid-19 in international politics

30 September 2020

September 2020

Although the technological and scientific advancements of the recent decades have improved human's ability to respond to diseases such as Covid-19, their consequences are far from muted, thereby the coronavirus has been an important factor behind recent changes in the realm of diplomacy and relations between governments and international organizations. The key questions revolving around such a puzzle pertain to the geopolitical implications that have been produced to the current global order and international actors. This short paper maps several effects that Covid-19 has produced on international politics thus far. This document lists three fields in which Covid-19 can produce substantial impact: the relations between the US and China, the ideas of globalization and armed conflict and political violence.

30 September 2020/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (6026)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Publikimet
Latest Publications
Open Call and Terms of Reference for a Videographer/Video Editor 25 April 20240

Open Call and Terms of Reference for a Videographer/Video Editor

PIPS seeks a skilled videographer/video editor for our School of Politics Program. The role will involve producing high-quality videos of seminars and interviews. These videos will be shared on our website, social media, and public events.

This call is made possible by the project that PIPS is implementing (Building Bridges of Accountability: The Path to Reconciliation) supported by the EU regional funded project “EU Support to Confidence Building in the Western Balkans", and implemented by UNDP. 

Application Process:

Submit your CV, portfolio, and financial offer to or no later than the 1st of May, 2024.

Institutional Structure and Other Preconditions for Kosovo's accession in the EU 13 December 20230

Institutional Structure and Other Preconditions for Kosovo's accession in the EU

The Prishtina Institute for Political Studies publishes the next report, in line with the MATRA project from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as co-implementer of the project with the FOL Movement.

This report discusses Kosovo's Institutional Preparedness for joining the European Union (EU), following the EU's new enlargement methodology. It provides context on Kosovo's relations with the EU, highlights achievements in implementing the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA), and explores the requirements for accession negotiations under the new methodology. The analysis outlines the potential impact of progress in thematic areas during negotiations, obligations for Kosovo, positive outcomes, and potential negative consequences.
Parandalimi dhe luftimi i korrupsionit përmes përmirësimit të sistemit të llogaridhënies, profesionalizmit dhe pavarësisë së sistemit të drejtësisë 23 November 20230

Parandalimi dhe luftimi i korrupsionit përmes përmirësimit të sistemit të llogaridhënies, profesionalizmit dhe pavarësisë së sistemit të drejtësisë

Dokumenti i përgatitur nga grupi i Shkollës Politike (Gjenerata e 21-të) nënvizon një sfidë të vazhdueshme brenda sistemit gjyqësor dhe prokurorial të Kosovës, duke theksuar në mënyrë specifike mangësitë që mund ti ketë procesi i vlerësimit të performancës për gjyqtarët dhe prokurorët.

Për të adresuar këto çështje, dokumenti përshkruan objektivat për të përmirësuar cilësinë e punës midis gjyqtarëve dhe prokurorëve, duke promovuar transparencën, llogaridhënien dhe profesionalizmin.



The Municipal Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (PKVEE) for the Municipality of Suhareka describes a strategic roadmap for improving energy efficiency within the municipality from 2024 to 2026.

This plan includes initiatives and measures aimed at reducing energy consumption, promoting sustainability and implementing practices that benefit the environment and the local community. The plan also includes areas such as energy conservation, CO2 reduction in the municipality, adoption of renewable energy and infrastructure improvements to achieve more efficient use of energy in the municipality of Suhareka.