The impact of the pandemic to Kosovo's diplomacy - UN General Assembly

The impact of the pandemic to Kosovo's diplomacy - UN General Assembly

6 July 2020

June 2020

The effects of the pandemic in the field of foreign policy will be massive. Covid-19 has had a serious impact in the relations and communication between states, given that it has transformed the manner in which daily diplomacy is conducted. This policy notes problematizes an aspect which has already produced consequences, that is the reduction of the physical interacion and meetings between state representatives. The closing of borders and limited movement at the global level, has implied that official visits had to be canceled or postponed, while the diplomatic meetings have passed in the realm of virtual platforms.

06 July 2020/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (5276)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Publikimet
Annual review of Kosovo's foreign affairs

Annual review of Kosovo's foreign affairs

12 May 2020

February 2020

Kosovo's diplomatic battle to become an equal member of the international society continues twelve years after declaring independence. Since 2008 Kosovo has scored significant progress in fostering its institutional structure and international recognition by now being recognised by the majority of UN members and being part of several important multilateral mechanisms.

12 May 2020/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (4988)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Publikimet
International Politics  and Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue:

International Politics and Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue:

12 March 2020

December 2019

The purpose of this edition of the survey is to provide data and results on public perceptions of Kosovar citizens for the three following aspects: 1. International politics and international actors, providing data on perceptions of Kosovar citizens on international politics and regional and global actors, including states and international organizations; 2. Kosovo's foreign policy and international position, which provides data on citizens' perceptions on Kosovo's international position and Kosovo's foreign policy institutions; 3. The Kosovo-Serbia dialogue process, more precisely the perceptions of Kosovar citizens about eventual options for a final agreement and their expectations from this process.

12 March 2020/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (5035)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Publikimet
Monitoring Report - Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo

Monitoring Report - Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo

30 November 2019

November 2019

The publication covers: a section on the organizational structure and functioning of the EARK is provided, with reference to the legal basis and policy documents; the Agency's 2019 budget; achieving tangible results, especially through active labor market measures. The concluding section provides a summary of the publication and aspects that need to be addressed for further improvement of the EARK.

30 November 2019/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (6063)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Publikimet
SUMP – A Joint Commitment: Towards an overarching institutional coordination and policy development in drafting and implementing SUMPs

SUMP – A Joint Commitment: Towards an overarching institutional coordination and policy development in drafting and implementing SUMPs

30 September 2019

September 2019

This paper gives a brief explanation of the benefits a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) could have for cities, as well as explore the possibilities of how the National Level, i.e. Members of the Parliament, could directly or indirectly support and facilitate the implementation of SUMPs in cities.

30 September 2019/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (4583)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Publikimet
Latest Publications


Instituti i Prishtinës për Studime politike ka publikuar Raportin Monitorues: Strategjia e Energjisë e Republikës së Kosovës 2022-2031, për periudhën 2023. Raporti është bërë në kuadër të projektit ‘Rritja e llogaridhënies publike në procesin e integrimit evropian’, në bashkëpunim me Lëvizja FOL, i mbështëtur nga programi MATRA, i cili financohet nga Embassy of the Netherlands in Kosovo (Ambasada e Mbretërisë së Holandës në Kosovë). Masat e monitoruara janë masat e dala nga Strategjia e Energjisë së Kosovës për peridhën 2022 dhe 2023.

Raporti synon të vlerësojë arritjet dhe të identifikojë sfidat gjatë viteve 2022 dhe 2023 të implementimit të strategjisë.

Open Call and Terms of Reference for a Videographer/Video Editor 25 April 20240

Open Call and Terms of Reference for a Videographer/Video Editor

PIPS seeks a skilled videographer/video editor for our School of Politics Program. The role will involve producing high-quality videos of seminars and interviews. These videos will be shared on our website, social media, and public events.

This call is made possible by the project that PIPS is implementing (Building Bridges of Accountability: The Path to Reconciliation) supported by the EU regional funded project “EU Support to Confidence Building in the Western Balkans", and implemented by UNDP. 

Application Process:

Submit your CV, portfolio, and financial offer to or no later than the 1st of May, 2024.

Institutional Structure and Other Preconditions for Kosovo's accession in the EU 13 December 20230

Institutional Structure and Other Preconditions for Kosovo's accession in the EU

The Prishtina Institute for Political Studies publishes the next report, in line with the MATRA project from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as co-implementer of the project with the FOL Movement.

This report discusses Kosovo's Institutional Preparedness for joining the European Union (EU), following the EU's new enlargement methodology. It provides context on Kosovo's relations with the EU, highlights achievements in implementing the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA), and explores the requirements for accession negotiations under the new methodology. The analysis outlines the potential impact of progress in thematic areas during negotiations, obligations for Kosovo, positive outcomes, and potential negative consequences.
Parandalimi dhe luftimi i korrupsionit përmes përmirësimit të sistemit të llogaridhënies, profesionalizmit dhe pavarësisë së sistemit të drejtësisë 23 November 20230

Parandalimi dhe luftimi i korrupsionit përmes përmirësimit të sistemit të llogaridhënies, profesionalizmit dhe pavarësisë së sistemit të drejtësisë

Dokumenti i përgatitur nga grupi i Shkollës Politike (Gjenerata e 21-të) nënvizon një sfidë të vazhdueshme brenda sistemit gjyqësor dhe prokurorial të Kosovës, duke theksuar në mënyrë specifike mangësitë që mund ti ketë procesi i vlerësimit të performancës për gjyqtarët dhe prokurorët.

Për të adresuar këto çështje, dokumenti përshkruan objektivat për të përmirësuar cilësinë e punës midis gjyqtarëve dhe prokurorëve, duke promovuar transparencën, llogaridhënien dhe profesionalizmin.