Everyday challenges for the promotion and implementation of rights and protections for the citizens of Non Majority Communities in the Republic of Kosovo
Diona Kusari
/ Categories: Publikimet

Everyday challenges for the promotion and implementation of rights and protections for the citizens of Non Majority Communities in the Republic of Kosovo

March 2022

This report has been prepared as a result of a round table on youth, security and human development in Kosovo in December 2021 and four focus group discussions organized by HD and PIPS during February 2022, with participants from all communities in Kosovo. Participants included policy makers, government officials, activists
civil society, researchers and students. The report was prepared based on the contribution of the participants with the support of Dr. Mark Baskin, Leonora Kryeziu, Dr. Ramadan Ilazi and Ermal Boshnjaku.

In addition, this report describes four interrelated challenges that hinder integration and better relations between members of non-majority communities and Kosovo's public institutions. These four challenges include safety in public spaces for non-majority community members; the implementation of the Law on the use of languages, the functioning of Municipal Offices for Communities and Return and the employment of members of non-majority communities in the public administration of Kosovo, according to the required legal quota.

The report shows that with modest intervention by the government, contact with members of non-majority communities in Kosovo
can significantly improve the daily lives of members of non-majority communities.
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