Political impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Kosovo
Diona Kusari
/ Categories: Publikimet

Political impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Kosovo

March 2022

During the 21 months from ‘patient zero’ until mid-December 2021, during the pandemic, Kosovo has gone through multiple crises. The direct crisis is that of the public health.
In addition to the socio-economic crisis, which is the most serious crisis, during the pandemic Kosovo also went through the most serious political crisis in its history as a state, with political instability never seen before.

Because of this political crisis there has been a governance crisis and even an institutional and constitutional crisis.

This policy analysis aims to analyze these and other developments in Kosovo during the pandemic, and its scope in three components: (in)-political stability and governance, the functioning of civil society organizations (CSOs) and media freedom.

In this context, it analyzes the consequences of the pandemic and their negative impact on these three components of state function.

This analysis is prepared based on analysis, articles and other existing documents related to the topics it touches on. In addition, field data were also collected through surveys, interviews and a focus group discussion with CSO activists, journalists and media professionals. This field data was collected during September and October 2021.
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