Citizens' mindset towards political questions

Citizens' mindset towards political questions

19 July 2021

June 2021

"The Citizens' Mindset towards Political Questions" survey was first published by the Prishtina Institute for Political Studies (PIPS), in collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Office in Prishtina.

The survey aims to produce credible results that will be useful to those involved in the field, i.e. political parties, decisionmakers, policymakers, scholars, analysts and others.

The results of the survey are divided into two parts: Perspectives on the state's relationship with the economy and individual freedoms, as well as perspectives on politics and political participation.
19 July 2021/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (6534)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Publikimet
Summary report on Kosovo’s public administration reform

Summary report on Kosovo’s public administration reform

29 June 2021

June 2021

For Kosovo as a new state, an efficient and accountable public administration is a crucial portion of democratic governance and state functioning. Reforming and improving the functioning of public administration has been a key issue in the EU-Kosovo relations in the recent years.

This summary report aims to reflect and discuss on the situation of the public administration reforms in Kosovo in the recent years, through focusing on the documents and strategies that have been approved during this period. Furthermore, the report will analyze the key achievements and implementation level of PAR thus far and suggest recommendations for the new Government of Kosovo to implement, based on the main challenges that need to be addressed.

This report has been prepared as part of the project "Strengthening Transparency and Accountability for Reforms" implemented by PIPS and Lëvizja FOL, and supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kosovo.
29 June 2021/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (6921)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Publikimet
Real Estate in Kosovo - Opening the market with the EU

Real Estate in Kosovo - Opening the market with the EU

31 May 2021

May 2021

Foreigners in Kosovo can only own real estate if they acquire ownership through inheritance. Given Kosovo's aim to join the European Union(EU), this situation is changing. The Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) between Kosovo and the EU foresees the opening of the Kosovo real estate market to citizens and companies of EU member states.

Despite the clear provisions of the SAA in this regard, in practice this market opening is challenged in principle by the current legal framework for property rights and their implementation in Kosovo.

This study analyzes the legal framework, challenges and expected impact, and provides recommendations.
31 May 2021/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (5744)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Publikimet
A brief discussion on the relevance of Title II of the SAA and the Political Dialogue between Kosovo and the European Union (EU)

A brief discussion on the relevance of Title II of the SAA and the Political Dialogue between Kosovo and the European Union (EU)

12 May 2021

"A brief discussion on the relevance of Title II of the SAA and the Political Dialogue between Kosovo and the European Union (EU)" argues the importance of utilizing Title II for Political Dialogue for Kosovo to achieve EU support in consolidating the external dimensions through cooperation with the EU, on the fifth anniversary of the entry into force of the Stabilization and Association Agreement.

Beyond the importance that is given to the dialogue on the normalization of Kosovo-Serbia relations in Title II, this chapter offers untapped potential for other forms of cooperation between Kosovo and the EU.

This publication analyzes Kosovo's setbacks in utilizing this potential and provides recommendations on how to proceed in future endeavors.

This publication is published in the framework of the PIPS Foreign Policy Analysis Program (FPAP). The publication was produced with the support of the Kosovo Civil Society Foundation.
12 May 2021/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (5723)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Publikimet
Reform of the inspection system in Kosovo

Reform of the inspection system in Kosovo

15 April 2021

April 2021

The business environment in Kosovo is overseen by over 30 inspectorates, which are established from year to year in a disorganized manner and without unique, coherent and well-coordinated policies.

The SAA requires Kosovo to implement with priority the reforms for approximation with the EU market, within three to five years of its implementation. The reform of the inspections system has been part of the common political priorities for the implementation of the SAA, through the European Reform Agenda (ERA), since November 2016, when the ERA was approved by the Government.

This policy analysis addresses this reform in three aspects. First, the current situation regarding this reform is described. Second, the shortcomings and challenges that its implementation may face are identified. Third, concrete proposals are given.
15 April 2021/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (5517)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Publikimet
Latest Publications
Institutional Structure and Other Preconditions for Kosovo's accession in the EU 13 December 20230

Institutional Structure and Other Preconditions for Kosovo's accession in the EU

The Prishtina Institute for Political Studies publishes the next report, in line with the MATRA project from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as co-implementer of the project with the FOL Movement.

This report discusses Kosovo's Institutional Preparedness for joining the European Union (EU), following the EU's new enlargement methodology. It provides context on Kosovo's relations with the EU, highlights achievements in implementing the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA), and explores the requirements for accession negotiations under the new methodology. The analysis outlines the potential impact of progress in thematic areas during negotiations, obligations for Kosovo, positive outcomes, and potential negative consequences.
Parandalimi dhe luftimi i korrupsionit përmes përmirësimit të sistemit të llogaridhënies, profesionalizmit dhe pavarësisë së sistemit të drejtësisë 23 November 20230

Parandalimi dhe luftimi i korrupsionit përmes përmirësimit të sistemit të llogaridhënies, profesionalizmit dhe pavarësisë së sistemit të drejtësisë

Dokumenti i përgatitur nga grupi i Shkollës Politike (Gjenerata e 21-të) nënvizon një sfidë të vazhdueshme brenda sistemit gjyqësor dhe prokurorial të Kosovës, duke theksuar në mënyrë specifike mangësitë që mund ti ketë procesi i vlerësimit të performancës për gjyqtarët dhe prokurorët.

Për të adresuar këto çështje, dokumenti përshkruan objektivat për të përmirësuar cilësinë e punës midis gjyqtarëve dhe prokurorëve, duke promovuar transparencën, llogaridhënien dhe profesionalizmin.



The Municipal Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (PKVEE) for the Municipality of Suhareka describes a strategic roadmap for improving energy efficiency within the municipality from 2024 to 2026.

This plan includes initiatives and measures aimed at reducing energy consumption, promoting sustainability and implementing practices that benefit the environment and the local community. The plan also includes areas such as energy conservation, CO2 reduction in the municipality, adoption of renewable energy and infrastructure improvements to achieve more efficient use of energy in the municipality of Suhareka.
Metodologjia e implementimit dhe raportimit lidhur me Planin Komunal të Veprimit për Efiçiencë të Energjisë (PKVEE) 23 October 20230

Metodologjia e implementimit dhe raportimit lidhur me Planin Komunal të Veprimit për Efiçiencë të Energjisë (PKVEE)

Metodologjia për implementimin dhe raportimin lidhur me zbatimin e Planit Komunal të Veprimit për Efiçiencë të Energjisë shërben si një vegël e vlefshme për komunat që duan të hartojnë dhe zbatojnë planet e tyre.

Qëllimi i kësaj metodologjie është t'u ndihmojë autoriteteve lokale të Komunës së Suharekës në përgatitjen dhe zbatimin e Planit Komunal të Veprimit për Efiçiencë të Energjisë, e që mund të shërbej si një përvojë e vlefshme edhe për komunat e tjera.

Ky program financohet nga Bashkimi Evropian dhe zbatohet nga Akademia e Studimeve Politike, Insitituti i Prishtinës për Studime Politike dhe partnerët e tyre. Pikëpamjet e shprehura në këtë publikim janë përgjegjësi vetëm e autorëve dhe në asnjë mënyrë nuk mund të konsiderohet se pasqyrojnë pikëpamjet e Bashkimit Evropian