Presentation of survey results on "Kosovo citizens' mindset regarding political questions"

Presentation of survey results on "Kosovo citizens' mindset regarding political questions"

19 July 2021

PIPS in cooperation with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Office in Kosovo has published the results of the survey "Kosovo citizens' mindset regarding political questions".

The survey has produced interesting data about the views of Kosovar citizens on the relationship of the state with the economy, individual freedoms, ideology and political parties in the country, political participation and segmentation of Kosovar voters according to political ideology.

The report's findings were presented on 19 July. You can follow the presentation via the link:
19 July 2021/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (18944)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Activities
Discussion on Public Administration Reform in Kosovo

Discussion on Public Administration Reform in Kosovo

14 July 2021

On July 14, PIPS held a discussion on the progress of public administration reform in Kosovo.
The discussion brought together researchers, civil society representatives, government representatives and civil servants to talk about the stalemates and proper coordination for the progress of this much-needed reform.

The summary report on public administration reform, prepared by PIPS, was presented during this discussion.

Mrs. Venera Ramaj from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kosovo, Mr. Valon Gashi from the Office for Political Criteria at the Office of the Prime Minister and Mr. Demush Shasha from the EPIK Institute contributed to the panel.

The main points from the discussion were:
- Lack of political vision and will as well as political instability have impacted the stagnation of this reform;
- The digitalization of public administration should be given special emphasis as part of the reform and for the sake of the benefits that would follow;
- In order to create the momentum for the reform, the coordination between the local and central level should be strengthened;
- This reform should not be seen only as a condition by the EU but also as an opportunity for approximation with the EU.

14 July 2021/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (18937)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Activities
Third Seminar of the School for Political Studies 2021

Third Seminar of the School for Political Studies 2021

8 July 2021

We have concluded the third seminar of School for Political Studies with the 19th generation from 2-4 July.

This time around, the seminar focused on the prevention and countering of violent extremism, through which participants of the School for Political Studies were informed about violent extremism in a global and regional context, the difference between the concepts of terrorism, extremism, radicalism, as well as statistics and initiatives undertaken for the repatriation and rehabilitation of returned fighters to Kosovo.

In a broader context, the seminar addressed Kosovo's foreign policy, world politics, theories of international relations, offering participants several nuances of understanding Foreign Policy and National Security - from a political, legal and social perspective.

Furthermore, the participants had the opportunity to hear from, and discuss with the current Deputy Minister of MFA about the previous approach of Kosovo in regards to regional and global actors and the future plan of this government for Kosovo's foreign policy.

This seminar was held with the support of the Advocacy Training and Resource Center - ATRC through the Resilient Community Program and the Council of Europe.
08 July 2021/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (18554)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Activities
Closed discussion on consensus-building for Kosovo's foreign policy

Closed discussion on consensus-building for Kosovo's foreign policy

8 June 2021

On 8 June Prishtina Institute for Political Studies (PIPS) has held a closed discussion with representations from institutions, political parties, non-governmental organizations and foreign missions in Kosovo, where we discussed building consensus regarding vital national issues and Kosovo's foreign policy, including the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.
Various stakeholders were present to discuss possible alternatives that could enable Kosovo to articulate a clear position and a more favorable position in the international arena.
This first activity will be shortly followed by other events of its kind.
08 June 2021/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (18763)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Activities
Second Seminar of Prishtina School of Politics 2021 Generation

Second Seminar of Prishtina School of Politics 2021 Generation

25 May 2021

PIPS held the Second Seminar for the School of Politics 19th generation during 21-23 May.

This seminar was a combination of discussions with experts on the impact of political ideology on public policy and exchange between participants.

Participants got to learn more about left and right ideological views on economics and social policy; had multifaceted discussions on state intervention and free market approach; and worked together to come up with the reasoning and argumentation to defend their positions on policy proposals chosen from our experts.
25 May 2021/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (18881)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Activities
Diskutim mbi Reformën e Sistemit të Inspektimeve në Kosovë

Diskutim mbi Reformën e Sistemit të Inspektimeve në Kosovë

11 May 2021

Më 11 Maj PIPS mbajti diskutimin për reformën e sistemit të inspektimeve në vend, ku morrën pjesë përfaqësues nga inspektoratet, ministritë përgjegjëse dhe shoqëria civile.

Gjatë kësaj ngjarje u prezantua analiza e PIPS si dhe u mbajt një diskutim mes pjesëmarrësve dhe panelistëve rreth aspekteve ligjore të reformës, kontekstit të tanishëm dhe pengesat e inspektorateve në lidhje me zbatimin e reformës.
11 May 2021/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (18693)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Activities