Open Call for Consultancy services on Conflict Sensitivity Strategy Development Process

13 qershor
Open Call for Consultancy services on Conflict Sensitivity Strategy Development Process

June 2024

Consultancy Open Call:

Prishtina Institute for Political Studies (PIPS), in collaboration with PeaceNexus Foundation, is engaging in an internal strengthening process through a conflict-sensitive strategy development process. With a commitment to advancing social cohesion and nurturing the growth of open-minded and democratic leadership, PIPS is determined to align its strategic direction with the evolving political landscape of Kosovo.

To precisely define and fulfill its future strategic ambitions, PIPS has decided to engage in a conflict-sensitive strategy development process. PIPS intends for the process itself to enhance its understanding of the context and clarify the desired positioning of the organization. The process is also expected to lead to the review and adjustment of the SPS curriculum.

To achieve this, PIPS wants to engage in a participatory process and is seeking a consultant or team of consultants that can provide facilitation, analytical, and write-up support on the following work strands:

  • Work strand 1: Context analysis 

The consultant will be expected to conduct participatory context analysis with the PIPS team leading to:

a) an updated understanding and analysis of the current context and its possible evolution as it relates especially to interethnic relations in Kosovo

b) preliminary conclusions regarding the role that PIPS should play in this context

  • Work strand 2: Strategy development

The consultant will be expected to facilitate PIPS strategic reflections and enable the organization to land on clear and realistic goals backed by updated interventions

Timeframe and coordination

This process is expected to entail a minimum 30 days of work. It should start in July and be concluded by the end of the year. To enable PIPS to start 2025 with an updated SPS curriculum, the process should land on updated strategic goals no later than September so that parallel work on curriculum development can take place between October and December.

The consultancy seeks individuals or teams with specific qualifications: for Work Strand 1, expertise in conducting context and conflict analysis with knowledge of the Kosovo and Western Balkans context, and for Work Strand 2, advisory experience with small NGOs, proficiency in facilitating participatory strategy development, and familiarity with conflict sensitivity integration. For more details, refer to the Terms of Reference (ToR).

Application process

If you are interested in this assignment, please send your application via email at no later than the 1st of July, 2024. Your application package should include an outline if you are applying for one work strand or both and contain:

  • CV (maximum 4 pages and indicating 2 references/previous clients that can comment on your ability to accompany strategy development and conflict sensitivity
  • Expression of interest outlining your understanding of the assignment, the skills you bring to it, and your proposed methodology and related time-frame. In case you are applying as a team of consultants your methodological offer should also clarify how you will divide the work.  
  • Financial proposal comprising detailed quotation for the assignment, showing working days and expected fee, availability as well as travel costs from place of residence to Prishtina and back. 
  • Politika e jashtme
  • Energjia dhe ambienti
  • Integrimi evropian
  • Qeverisja cilësore
  • Shkolla Politike
Viti i publikimit
  • 2024


  • 13 qershor
  • Numri i shikimeve: 2504
Kategoria: Publikimet
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